She is Loved: Heather S

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My name is Heather Sweitzer and I’m 30 years old. My husband and I have been married 12 years, have 4 beautiful children, and run a home remodeling business here in Virginia Beach, Va. I was diagnosed with stage 3b breast cancer on March 6, 2014, at the age of 28. On September 22, 2015 I celebrated one year in remission! God is so good!!!

What is/are your biggest fear(s)? What’s your greatest struggle?

My biggest fear is death. My mom passed away September 30, 2014 from brain cancer just a month after diagnosis. Even though I knew she had a tough battle ahead, I really wasn’t expecting her to to be gone before she ever even had the chance to fight. It was beyond heartbreaking. Since then, my biggest struggle has been not letting fear get ahold of my heart. I get one shot at life, and I’m determined to live it to the fullest. I never ever want to live my life based on what I’m afraid of, but rather, what brings joy and peace.

What do you want your legacy to be? How do you want to be remembered?

I so deeply desire to leave a legacy of love. I want my kids to love God, love their family, love their friends, love themselves, love life. I want to be remembered as someone who loved with their whole heart.

What are you most grateful for?

As cliche as it sounds, I’m so grateful for my life…every moment of it. If I have breath in my lungs, I have a reason to praise God. Of course I’ve loved all of the good times I’ve had, but even the bad things have helped me learn and grow.

What is the best advice you were ever given?

I once heard someone say to never make a big decision without having total peace about it. I cannot tell you how many times that has helped me, especially during my cancer journey. To this day, I still have to make major, life-changing decisions regarding my treatment, surgeries, medication, and daily lifestyle choices that will have a lasting effect on my health. It’s taught me to never be pressured into siding with popular opinion, but to always rely on prayer and intuition. It’s been so liberating!

If you could speak to a large group of women, what would you say to them?

I would love to tell every woman that she is beautiful and a work in progress. No one is perfect. No one has arrived. No one is ever alone or unloved. Women tend be spend so much time stressing, comparing, criticizing themselves, and not enough time giving themselves grace, laughing at themselves, and loving themselves.


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9 thoughts on “She is Loved: Heather S

  1. Thanks for sharing your story. Your realness and your love for life and God is contagious. Praying and expecting God to continue revealing himself through your life.

    Brother Marvin

  2. Such an amazing story of true perseverance and faith. Heather you are inspiration to so many, and your loving spirit is truly contagious. Thank you for opening up and sharing your journey.

  3. What a beautiful, vibrant young woman. I truly wish her the best, God Bless her and her family. Nice pics Erin.

  4. God bless Heathers and her family. I am a 5 yr survivor.
    Heathers. ..u need me…teach out I will be there..#RNinpa

  5. My 1st Grandchild, has always been a beauty and a joy. So much love being sent to all the family. Grandma Karen

  6. I am in awe. Your story is wonderful. I am glad you are in this family. Blessings to all of you for everyone had to go through this with you. But only you really knew how hard it was. You are so grateful for life and it shows. Love to you, GiGi

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